Chapter Books


The time has come. Little Miss Bookhabit is starting to investigate the world of chapter books. Now, that is not to say that we will be putting away the picture books any time soon. My love of picture books will last long after she has finished with them. But I also believe that reading books at different ages and stages of development helps you to discover new things that you didn’t see before. She is also just getting to grips with reading and so she loves picking up familiar books and half reciting, half reading the words in them. It gives her a huge sense of satisfaction and accomplishment when she gets to the end of something that isn’t a reading book from school. Most importantly, she still gets a great deal of pleasure from picture books. But she is now also excited by the idea of chapter books and the lure of something unknown and ‘grown up’.

DIMG_0835espite being a KS1 and 2 teacher, my repertoire of chapter books is a tiny drop in the ocean in comparison to what I know about picture books. It tends to be based on a few failsafe authors and the classics that we read at school (Roald Dahl, Michael Morpurgo, The Iron Man, that kind of thing) so I thought it would be fun to share our journey into chapter books with you. I have no doubt that we will read some that we love and some that don’t capture our imagination in the same way and it will be very much a case of trial and error (thank goodness for libraries!) but I’m excited to dive in. I’m also interested to know if you have any recommendations for us.


So far, I know that the chapter books have to still include illustrations. They need to be reasonably short to suit her five year old attention span. She prefers chapter books that make her laugh. She isn’t bothered if the main character is male or female but she seems to like people rather than animals.

I’m working on a wishlist of books to see us through the next few months and will be posting what we read on @alittlebookhabit on instagram as #chapterbooktuesday so if you are at a similar stage do join in and share what you are enjoying and/or have a go at reading some of the ones we’ve enjoyed. Happy reading!




Silly, cheeky, gross: books to make you giggle

Instagram is filled with beautiful pictures of amazing books, carefully styled and tastefully displayed, showing the wonderful array of inspiring children’s fiction that is available at the touch of a button. I know this because a lot of the time this is what I am trying to share as well. However, occasionally I do wonder whether these images would be as appealing to the target audience of the books as they are to the many dedicated adult kidslit fans out there who are swooning over the latest picture book beauty.

In contrast, the books in this blog post are probably not the most beautiful. They may not have a particularly inspiring message at their heart. But they are pretty much guaranteed to get your children laughing, you will probably find yourself having to read them multiple times and they may even become one of those books that your child remembers in twenty years time. So, without too much fuss, I give you my favourite (if that’s the right word?) books about toilet humour, bodily functions, nudity and everything that makes kids laugh. I have added a scale (from 1/5 silly to 5/5 gross) so you have an idea of what you’re going to be getting. I hope your little ones love them as much as mine do. Enjoy! Continue reading “Silly, cheeky, gross: books to make you giggle”